Deer Park Tribune


ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 You may be questioning some of your relationships this week, Aries. Periodic reflection is good for your long- term well- being, but move ahead with caution.

TAURUS Apr 21/May 21

Taurus, finding balance between your professional life and your home life may be challenging this week. Try not to hurry through your decision- making process.

GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Typical routines just aren’t fulfilling you lately, Gemini. Avoid succumbing to frustration and dissatisfaction by trying a new hobby or brainstorming ways you can change.

CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 Avoid comparing yourself to friends and colleagues, Cancer. You may need a confidence boost, so hang around friends and family who have your back

LEO Jul 23/Aug 23

Has your love life affected your professional ambitions lately, Leo? Take a step back and analyze the situation to see what you can change for the better.

VIRGO Aug 24/Sept 22

Take some time to audit your health, Virgo. What you eat, how much you are sleeping, how often you are exercising these are all factors that may require some change.

LIBRA Sept 23/ Oct 23 Libra, watch out for power struggles at work, especially if you feel they are causing you to be treated unfairly. Bring issues to a supervisor if it comes to it.

SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22

Scorpio, fatigue may catch up with you if you have not been pacing yourself or taking enough time to care for yourself. Slow down and take a mental health day or two.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23/ Dec 21

You may be more sensitive than usual this week, Sagittarius. You may feel like family or friends are judging you, but that not necessarily so.

CAPRICORN Dec 22/ Jan 20

Try not to take part in popularity contests or gossip sessions at work, Capricorn. It can only come back to bite you when you least expect it. Stay the course and keep working hard.

AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18

Aquarius, you may be seeking greener pastures, both at home and in your professional life. Impatience can get the best of you, but a change will happen over time.

PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20

You may have a tough time relating to others this week, Pisces. You view the world through a creative lens even when others don.


Naomi Campbell, Model (52) MAY 23 Jewel, Singer (48) MAY 24 John C. Reilly, Actor (57) MAY 25 Cillian Murphy, Actor (46) MAY 26 Lauryn Hill, Singer (47) MAY 27 Jamie Oliver, Chef (47) MAY 28 Gladys Knight, Singer ( 78)

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